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семинар ББМО: Neural networks. from: LSTM, to: Neural Computer
Пятница 16 Декабрь 2016, 18:45 - 20:15
Хиты : 102
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В эту пятницу на спецсеминаре выступит Даниил Полыковский, студент ВМК МГУ.

Название доклада: Neural networks. from: LSTM, to: Neural Computer

Some essential problems (like sequence sorting, copying and reversal) can not be solved with vanilla LSTM networks, however standard algorithms and data structures can do that. Fusion of these two worlds can expand a class of solvable problems. ML backed up with data structures is one first steps forward to that vision. Recently proposed Neural Turing Machines, Neural Data Structures and Differentiable Neural Computers are currently one of candidates for a soon break-through. For example, problems with structured data such as finding the shortest path can be solved with these techniques.

Начало спецсеминара в 18:45.
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