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Yandex School of Data Analysis Conference Machine Learning: Prospects and Applications
от Понедельник 05 Октябрь 2015
до Четверг 08 Октябрь 2015
Хиты : 50
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The conference is organised by the Yandex School of Data Analysis and Yandex, sponsored by Yandex Data Factory. Royal Holloway, University of London is the academical partner of the conference.
This second conference will explore the new frontiers in machine learning theory and technology as well as in its advanced applications. The first conference for Machine Learning and Big Data took place in Moscow in 2013.
With scientists and engineers from 14 countries, this event will have a business session to give a unique opportunity for cooperation between developers and practitioners.
Deep Learning approach became popular among machine learning developers, because it has demonstrated several extraordinary experimental results, and because it gave to developers simple software tools, by which they may solve practical problems in different industries. At our conference the approach will be presented by many speakers.
Interestingly, that at the same time, in the last 2 years, Vladimir Vapnik had tremendous theoretical progress in his novel breakthrough theory of machine learning, which he called Intelligent Learning. He and his colleagues will describe their approach at the conference in detail.
So, all conference attendees will have opportunity to be first witnesses of critical comparisons between these two approaches. To make the comparisons deeper and more productive, a particular 2-3 hours discussion will be organized. We are sure that the discussion will open new advantages from both of the approaches.
The main topics

Deep Learning
Intelligent Learning
Discovery of Causality
Abstract Convexity
Sub-Linear Methods in Data Analysis
Quantum Calculation in Machine Learning
Text Analysis and Understanding
Video, Image and Signal Analysis
Application in Physics, Biology, Medicine and Finance

Key Speakers

Francis Bach, France
Pierre Baldi, USA
Li Deng, USA
Alexander Gammerman, UK
Nathan Intrator, Israel
Vadim Levit, Israel
Bernhard Schölkopf, Germany
Vladimir Vapnik, USA
Vladimir Vovk, UK
Lior Wolf, Israel

The conference organisers solicit high-quality research papers and posters on the topics listed above. Please use the registration form to submit the papers and posters.

Место Berlin at Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, 1 (the Radisson Blu Hotel).

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